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Association for Computing Machinery at the University of South Carolina

Meeting with Jack Neil, MD -- Bridging Medicine and AI in Healthcare

Swearingen Engineering Center, 2A17

Georphoe Lin

We will be joined for tonight's meeting by Jack Neil, MD., CEO and founder of, an AI company that uses machine learning within the medical field primarily for document processing (digitizing written reports, etc). He graduated from UofSC in 2004 with a CIS degree and graduated from the UofSC School of Medicine and became a doctor. He still actively practices (as an anesthesiologist I believe) while continuing to grow

We will have pizza and drinks in SWGN 2A17 as always at 7:00 pm. Jack will join us at 7:30 pm to speak about his experience as a doctor and more recently how he has been able to use AI and build a company (particularly in a highly regulated industry like healthcare). See you there!